Report on the 3rd Status Seminar

Location: RWTH Aachen University, Geodetic Institute and Chair of Construction Informatics & Geoinformation Systems

The third status seminar started with a warm welcome, followed by an intensive exchange where partners presented detailed reports on the progress of each work package. Discussions covered various topics, from requirements definition and evaluation in the Technology Implementation Plan (TIP) to dissemination, led by WLH, and specific technical updates.

Progress was made in the area of indoor positioning and AR streaming, presented by gia. It was highlighted that a functional app prototype was successfully set up in React Native. This preliminary version aims to lay the foundation for client-server communication, with the current focus on implementing sending test strings. Future steps will include sending camera live images as well as pose information for further processing.

A special focus was on the current work on the handover of the video stream to the Unreal server. The bidirectional tuning of the transfer details, based on Javascript functions, represents a major milestone in this process.

Regarding the user interface (UI), the team is in the conceptual design phase. The design will follow, with the optimization of the user interface supported by a derived and visualized screenplay that enables precise tuning to subsequent user scenarios.

Other updates included the IoT module, presented by IOX, and the assistance system, handled by IMS. A special development was the networking to the N5GEH Phase II service project, also presented by IMS. This included a discussion on the use of the platform/FIWARE for the IoT sensor data, which provided key insights into the progress of the project.

The meeting set its focus on networking and cooperation, characterized by a networking meeting and discussions about a cooperation agreement. Finally, organizational issues and various other matters were discussed, laying the foundation for future meetings.