Work package 5: Evaluation of the AS in real scenarios

Goal: Assistance system

Description of work content and effort of the work steps

  1. Definition of the requirements in relation to the test scenarios in the TIP
    The evaluation, initial installation and prototypical application of the developed overall system consisting of IP, AR and IoT module is to take place in the newly established 5G campus network of the TIP of Wirtschaftsförderung im Landkreis Harburg GmbH (WLH). In this sub-work package, the necessary requirements to the 5G network in the TIP and vice versa of the systems to the TIP are compiled and defined. The discussions, especially with the members of the project advisory board located in the TIP, should provide valuable information in this regard. The objective is to install the system as a demonstrator in the 5G campus network of the TIP and to make it both tangible and usable, especially for medium-sized companies. Tests at companies located in the TIP offer real conditions for validation and indications for sensible further developments.
  2. Conceptual design and setup of the test scenarios for the subcomponents (IP, AR) and the overall system (AS) respectively
    The tests and evaluation in the TIP are to be carried out separately for the two subcomponents IP and AR in the first step and, after the resulting necessary and reasonable adjustments, for the overall system in the second step. The various test scenarios are first conceptualized taking into account contributions from the project advisory board. Subsequently, the defined test scenarios will be set up for the two components in the TIP and in the second step for the overall system.
  3. Testing and empirical validation of the individual components IP (WP2) and AR (WP3).
    The methods and techniques developed for the individual components are now being tested in practice in real structures in the TIP using the test scenarios. The results are evaluated by the developing partners and assessed by the participating companies and project advisory board members for their applicability and relevance as well as practicality and suitability.
  4. Testing and empirical validation of the AS (Milestone 2).
    After the individual components, the overall system consisting of IP, AR and the IoT module is now tested and empirically validated in the TIP. The interaction of the individual components in the overall system and the user-friendliness and manageability of the overall system are of particular importance here. The results are evaluated by the developing partners and assessed by the participating companies and project advisory board members for their applicability and relevance as well as practicality and suitability.
  5. Final optimization of the IP, AR, IoT and AS subcomponents
    The methods evaluated in the practical tests in the TIP provide insights into the accuracy and functionality of the methodology used. Feedback from the participating companies as well as the project advisory board will provide valuable information on applicability, functionality and manageability. By reflecting the results back to the basics, improvements can thus be made to the overall system, improving both the individual components and the overall system as a whole.

Outcomes and risks; milestones with termination criteria.

  1. Definition of the requirements in relation to the test scenarios in the TIP
  2. Conceptual design and set-up of the test scenarios for the subcomponents (IP, AR) and the overall system (AS) respectively
  3. Testing and empirical validation of the individual components IP (WP2) and AR (WP3).
  4. Testing and empirical validation of the AS (Milestone 2).
  5. Final optimization of the subcomponents IP, AR. IoT and AS

Milestone 2
Tests and empirical validation of the AS successful


The evaluation results for the use of 5G technology at the TIP do not meet the expectations regarding, for example, the accuracy of positioning or the data volume in connection with the transmission speed or the latencies during streaming for the AR application. In such cases, the methods and techniques are investigated for potential improvement to achieve the requirements. Any potential found will be implemented by improving the methods and techniques in the work packages. Otherwise, the requirements must be adapted while maintaining the basic functionality of the methods and techniques.
The 5G campus network or suitable structures in the TIP are not available in the required configuration or in the required time window, or not available at all. In this case, the field test and evaluation will be postponed if possible. Otherwise, other existing 5G networks will be sought as alternatives.