Location intelligence in the building with 5G for augmented reality


(FKZ: 03EN3059A)

Location intelligence in the building with 5G for augmented reality

Initial situation

Systems in power engineering are highly complex and often pose a challenge in practice, e.g.

  • during inspection and (predictive) maintenance as well as
  • in building management (facility management, FM)
Modern wireless technology 5G available:


  • Intelligentes Assistenzsystem auf mobilen Endgeräten
  • Precise and reliable indoor positioning in modern wireless networks
  • Streaming-based AR solution for visualization of planning scenarios in real environment including position determination
  • Integration of IoT-based real-time sensor data
  • Holistic, clear digital provision of all available data and information by using building modeling (BIM) and existing sensor infrastructure
  • Improving the success of operations and increasing the safety of emergency forces through improved localization and navigation

Project partner:

Internet Marketing Services GmbH

Intelligent assistance system on mobile devices


Integration of IoT-based real-time sensor data

RWTH Aachen (gia)

Geodetic Institute and Chair of Construction Informatics and Geoinformation Systems (gia)

Wirtschaftsförderung im Landkreis Harburg GmbH (WLH)

in the ITB gGmbH


Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection Grant number: 03EN1059A

The application structure

The introduction of modern information and communications technology in the energy industry is an urgent task.

In the first project phase, a basic software-technical structure was developed that includes the essential elements of data acquisition, data transmission, and data storage and visualization. Following on from the intentions for the second project phase of the N5GEH on the digitization strategy for energy technology the contribution of the present project is the development of an intelligent, location-based assistance system for highly complex systems of power engineering as a web application or smartphone app.

The main components are:

  • a fast automatic interior positioning
  • visualization of technical elements and sensor data using mobile augmented reality

Both components are to take advantage of the modern 5G wireless technology. Internet of Things technology is to be used to transmit the building sensor data in real time.

The efficiency or benefits of many, today highly complex systems in energy technology can only be fully exploited with the use of intelligent assistance systems.

Especially medium-sized craft enterprises, which in practice mainly perform the installation and commissioning tasks as well as the inspection and maintenance services, can benefit to a high degree by using AR technology to display information as an overlay on the real world.

Current information

Here you can read the latest blog entries and news about the GeoWaermeWende research project.


N5GEH – Verbundtreffen VII

Am 18. Oktober haben wir uns an der TU Berlin zum siebten mal im Verbund des National 5G Energy Hubs (N5GEH) getroffen. Das Verbundtreffen wurde wie immer vom Serviceprojekt gemeinsam von der TU Dresden (Prof. Dr. Seifert) und der RWTH Aachen (Prof. Dr. Streblow) ausgerichtet.

read more »

The project is coordinated by:

Responsible project manager